Corporate Social Commitment and Public Service is at the upmost priority list of the Company. Over the years serious efforts have been directed towards making a meaningful contribution to uplifting and transforming the lives of the community and the underprivileged. The Company is also extremely conscious of its duty and responsibility towards the environment. We continue to make sincere efforts to promote good health, social development and better environment, through various Company programs that contribute to sustainable, all round growth.

At Ind-Swift we are fully conscious about our responsibility towards society. We are just not limited to business but strongly believe in giving back to the society what we have got from it. We at Ind-Swift make honest efforts to help section of the society who struggle for basic amenities.Our continuous efforts are towards making a healthier happier World through our various programmes and activities. Ind-Swift carries out all its activities through its society named as "Swift Fundamental Research & Education Society (SFRES)". "Because life is precious"—we believe every life on this planet is precious so we take utmost care in our business processes to ensure environmentalism by applying Safety Health & Environment (SHE)Policy.